1. Research, research research

Do your homework: Research destinations that are safe for women to travel alone plus have easy access to transportation. I always research each place I travel to beforehand to make sure that it’s safe for solo travelers. As a woman, I think it’s especially important to know what you’re getting into beforehand (some international destinations are a lot safer than others). Some places get a bad rap that they don’t deserve (my experience with Mexico) and some places are just better enjoyed with other people (like Vegas!). I also think it’s helpful budget-wise and more convenient to visit cities with great public transportation so you can avoid the cost of a car rental.

2. Connect with other travelers and locals

Consider staying at closer-knit accommodations, go on a group tour, ask locals for their favorite places. I’m not a hostel person, but they can be a great place to meet other solo travelers. I recommend staying at local bed and breakfasts + boutique hotels to connect with other travelers and get great recs from locals.

Group tours can also be a great way to meet other solo travelers. I especially love taking guided group tours at museums. They’re a great way to learn about the city you’re visiting and meet up with other people with similar interests. No matter where I stay, I always ask my hosts for food and tour recs. They’re a great resource: the family who hosted me in Capri was such a big help!

3. Don’t be afraid to book your dream trip solo

Travel to a dream destination: make that dream happen for you! I remember thinking that I could never travel to Italy alone, but it ended up being one of the best decisions I ever made for myself. I got to schedule as many museums and as much beach time as I wanted without having to consult anyone. Going on a dream trip solo enables you to do all the things that you always dreamed of doing. It’s an amazing feeling to plan your trip with your dream itinerary instead of having to plan around other people’s interests. Live your best life girl!

4. Plan activities, but give yourself time to explore

Give yourself a little structure, but leave plenty of time open for new discoveries. You’ll inevitably need downtime and could absolutely fall in love with an area you didn’t even know about prior to actually traveling. Make sure you have a little wiggle room so that you can focus on all the things that you really love about a place!

5. You can still get amazing travel photos while traveling alone

Don’t be afraid to ask people to take your picture or pack a tripod. You shouldn’t miss out on amazing photos just because you’re traveling alone! Hiring a photographer is also a great way to get to know the locals and come away with some incredible memories to remember your trip by. I typically take a large chunk of my travel photos at sunrise on my tripod: it’s a great way to get golden hour lighting and avoid crowds. I’ve gotten to take pictures by myself at the Pantheon in Rome and Spiaggia Grande in Positano by getting up early!

6. Treat yourself to a few nice meals out

This gives you a chance to open yourself up to new opportunities and to meet new people. Some of my favorite trip memories have come from eating dinner out by myself and meeting other travelers. It is so worth breaking outside of your comfort zone and treating yourself to a delicious meal!

7. Wake up early and go to bed early

Plan most of your exploring during the day and leave the nighttime for winding down to maximize your time and energy. I’m not really big on nightlife and staying out late on solo trips. Traveling by yourself kind of lends itself to waking up earlier and going to bed earlier if you’re trying to pack in a lot of activities or photo locations. I’ve found that sticking to an earlier schedule definitely sets you up for success on solo trips.

8. Local coffee shops will be your lifeline

Research some good local coffee shops ahead of time! This is a great safety net for wi-fi, charging your phone, adding new things to your itinerary during a trip, and getting great recs from locals.

9. Create a loose itinerary + map out your must-sees ahead of time.

Create a list + map of places you want to see, restaurants, and hotels before you travel. You have the freedom to do whatever you want without having to coordinate with other people’s interests. Take advantage of that! Print out your map so that you can access it without wi-fi or data. I also highly recommend downloading the Maps.Me app for offline navigation in Europe!

10. Book a trip to my favorite cities for solo female travel

You can access my top 10 destinations for your first solo trip here!

Have you traveled alone before? I want to hear about it! Let’s chat in the comments 🙂

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